Proving Type Safety in Lean

December 03, 2021 3 min read

For my final project in CS242, I used the Lean theorem prover to prove type safety for a small, toy language.

In order to prove type safety, I proved three distinct properties:

Theorem (Progress): For any expression ee, either ee is a value, or there exists ee' such that ee evaluates to ee' in one step. Formally, eE.e val(\forall e \in \mathcal{E}. e \textbf{ val} \vee (\exists e' \in \mathcal{E}. e \mapsto e').

Theorem (Totality): For any expression ee, there exists ee' such that ee' is a value and ee evaluates to ee' in zero or more steps. Formally, eE.eE.e valee\forall e \in \mathcal{E}. \exists e' \in \mathcal{E}. e' \textbf{ val} \wedge e \mapsto^* e'.

Theorem (Preservation): If ee is a natural number in the initial type environment, and ee evaluates to ee' in one step, then ee' is a natural number in the initial type environment. Formally, e,eE.0e: natee0e: nat\forall e, e' \in \mathcal{E}. 0 \vdash e : \textbf{ nat} \wedge e \mapsto e' \rightarrow 0 \vdash e' : \textbf{ nat}.

Lean's type system is more advanced than that of any other language I have used. It is based on a version of dependent type theory known as the calculus of constructions1, with a countable hierarchy2 of non-cumulative universes and inductive types. This powerful type system provides the necessary power and expressivity to formalize proofs about complex systems within the language.

Although there are many ways to write proofs in Lean, I mostly used tactics. As described in the documentation, tactics "support an incremental style of writing proofs, in which users decompose a proof and work on goals one step at a time".

There's a special tactic called sorry, which automatically satisfies the relevant goal in scope, though it also displays a warning at the enclosing theorem or lemma, since the proof is technically incomplete. This led to a very pleasant programming experience, since I was able to stub out the complicated parts of the proof with sorry, work on the easier bits, and then revisit the harder ones once I was confident that the proof structure was sound. In fact, we often do this in programming. In OCaml, for example, you can stub out a function as follows:

let fib (x : int) : int = raise_s [%message "Not implemented!"]

This will type-check3, letting you use fib in the rest of your program as if it were implemented correctly.


  1. This type theory is also the basis of other proof assistants, such as Coq.
  2. The type theory utilizes a hierarchy of such universes in order to avoid Girard's paradox, the type-theoretical equivalent of Russell's paradox.
  3. Interestingly, this exposes a deficiency of OCaml as it exists today, which is that it doesn't support algebraic effects. If it did, the function signature may encode the fact that it throws an exception (e.g. using some imaginary syntax, int -> int exn), which is different from the desired signature.

Aditya Srinivasan is a software engineer living and working in New York City.