Lightweight Dependent Types in OCaml [DRAFT]

January 23, 2022 8 min read


Dependent typing is a powerful feature of systems, though it is endowed to few mainstream programming languages1. This isn't all that surprising for at least two reasons For one, there are many features of programming languages for which the journey from being theorized to being implemented and widely available in common programming languages is long and slow2. Second, dependent types add complexity to the type system, both to the programmer who needs to learn what they are, as well as to the compiler which may need to evaluate costly expressions in order to determine type-equality during type-checking.

However, all is not lost! Even languages without first-class support for dependent types can be coerced into providing something resembling (admittedly, a much weaker version of) it. I decided to try this out with OCaml, which does not support dependent types in a first-class way, but does have a sophisticated type system. (It's worth saying that I set out to do this purely for fun; this is almost certainly not something I'd want to find in an actual production codebase.)

Throughout the course of this post, we'll build up a representation of a list that encodes its length in its type, as well as a function that lets one index into the list safely. That is, at compile-time one can be guaranteed to avoid indexing out-of-bounds. To reiterate, this is far from fully-fledged dependent typing, but it gives us a taste.

Finally, I won't assume the reader has a deep familiarity with OCaml or other languages in the ML family, and will attempt to explain things as I go.

Plain Ol' Non-Dependent Types

First, what do lists and indexing look like with the native types provided by the OCaml standard library?

type 'a list =
| []
| ( :: ) of 'a * 'a list

We'll make two observations about this type definition. First, this type is polymorphic. This means that list is a "type constructor", as opposed to a concrete type itself. It can be thought of as a "function" operating on types. So, if we apply the type constructor list to a concrete type int, we get a concrete type int list. We can apply this to arbitrary depth; applying the type constructor list to concrete type int list yields the concrete type int list list.

Second, this type is defined inductively. There are many names for types like this, including sum types and union types, but the inductive definition seems natural to me. The "base case" for constructing a list is the empty list: []. The "inductive case" for constructing a list says: "if you have an element ('a) and a list of those elements ('a list), you can construct another list ('a list) that is semantically the concatenation of the two".

It's worth noting that in OCaml, [ x; y ] is syntactic sugar for x :: y :: [] which is further syntactic sugar for ( :: ) (x, ( :: ) (y, [])). This gives us a much more natural way to specify list literals:

[ 1; 2 ];;
- : int list = (::) (1, (::) (2, []))

How can we index into a list? The standard library gives us a function, List.nth:

- : 'a list -> int -> 'a = <fun>

This type signature should make sense. Given a list of 'as and an integer index, retrieve the element at that index which is of type 'a.

List.nth [ 1 ] 0;;
- : int = 1

However, what this type signature does not capture is that this function can raise an exception if the index is out of bounds3.

List.nth [ 1 ] 1;;
Exception: (Failure nth)
Raised at Stdlib.failwith in file "", line 29, characters 17-33

N\mathbb{N} as Types

Our first observation is that the list type encodes information about the type of its elements, but not about its length. If we want the type system to make it impossible to express indexing operations that violate our bounds, then we need some way to encode numbers as types. Therefore, we first turn our attention to encoding each natural number in N\mathbb{N} as a distinct type.

module Number = struct
type zero = [ `zero ]
type 'n succ = [ `succ of 'n ]
type 'n t =
| Zero : zero t
| Succ : 'n t -> 'n succ t

Let's break this down. We first declare two types as singleton polymorphic variables: zero whose only constructor is `zero, and 'n succ whose only constructor is `succ of 'n. These give us names for the type parameters we'll use next. Finally, we declare the type 'n tas a generalized algebraic data type (GADT) with two constructors. The first constructor,Zero, gives us a value of type zero t. The second constructor, Succ, takes some 'n tand gives us a value of type'n succ t.

This should indeed sound familiar; this is an inductive definition of the natural numbers. That is, you can specify the number zero using Zero. If you have a number nn, you can specify succ(n)\mathsf{succ}(n) using Succ. Moreover, the value's type fully encodes the semantic number it is associated with.

open Number
let zero : zero t = Zero
let one : zero succ t = Succ Zero
let two : zero succ succ t = Succ (Succ Zero)

Typed Lengths

Now that we have a type for natural numbers, we can move on to defining our list type that encodes its length.

module List = struct
type ('a, 'len) t =
| [] : ('a, Number.t) t
| ( :: ) : 'a * ('a, 'len Number.t) t -> ('a, 'len Number.succ Number.t) t

This should look very similar to the original definition of 'a list, except we've introduced an additional parameter for the length: 'len. Additionally, we're using GADTs to "refine" the type of the value you get when using either of the two constructors. In particular, the empty list [] is polymorphic in the element, but its length is fixed as Number.t. Similarly, given an element and a list of length 'len Number.t, the constructor ( :: ) produces a list of elements of length 'len Number.succ Number.t. Let's see this in action.

let nil : ( Number.t, 'a) List.t = List.[]
let singleton : ( Number.succ Number.t, int) List.t = List.[ 1 ]
let pair : ( Number.succ Number.succ Number.t, string) List.t = List.[ "a"; "b" ]

Recall that the original List.nth function could raise an exception if the provided index was out of bounds. Now that we have lists that typefully encode their length, let's create a type-safe version of List.nth.

The first thing you may realize is that the type signature val nth : ('a, 'len) List.t -> n:'n Number.t -> 'a is actually insufficient. Nothing reflects that the number 'n is less than the number 'len', so we have no guarantees that the argument n will be within bounds. We can address this by introducing a type to "prove" that a 'x is less than a 'y.

module LT = struct
type ('x, 'y) t =
(* For any x, 0 is less than succ(x) *)
| Zero : 'x Number.t -> ( Number.t, 'x Number.succ Number.t) t
(* For any x, x is less than succ(x) *)
| Succ : 'x Number.t -> ('x Number.t, 'x Number.succ Number.t) t
(* For any x and y, if x < y and y < z, then x < z *)
| Trans :
('x Number.t, 'y Number.t) t * ('y Number.t, 'z Number.t) t
-> ('x Number.t, 'z Number.t) t

By carefully encoding some basic axioms and rules via our constructors, we've defined a type whose values serve as proofs that some number 'x is less than another number 'y.


  1. I wrote about a programming language with a sophisticated dependent typing implementation in another post.
  2. A striking example is that of sum types, which many popular programming languages do not support as a first-class primitive.
  3. For OCaml to express this in the type system would require a feature called algebraic effects.

Aditya Srinivasan is a software engineer living and working in New York City.